John Britto Matriculation School
in Sangillyandapuram, Trichy Contact phone number, email address and Website
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John Britto Matriculation School
in Sangillyandapuram, Address: 17, Tank Bank Rd, Sundarraj Nagar, Subramaniyapuram, Sangillyandapuram, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620020
Phone number: 04290 – 221811
Email: johnbritto.omalur[at]gmail.com
Open hours:
Monday 8am to 5pm
Tuesday 8am to 5pm
Wednesday 8am to 5pm
Thursday 8am to 5pm
Friday 8am to 5pm
Saturday 8am to 5pm
Sunday closed
Establishment: 1972
Instruction of Medium: English
School Type: Co-education
Classes: From Class 1 to Class 10
Board for Class 10th State Board
Management: Private unaided
Books in Library: 4200
Computers: 12
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