Chellamal Vidyalaya CBSE
in Kallanai Road, Trichy Contact phone number, email address and Website
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Chellamal Vidyalaya CBSE
in Kallanai Road, Address: Kallanai Road, Vengur, Thiruverumbur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu 620013
Phone number: 073737 22377
Email: chellammalvidyalaya@sowdambikaa.edu.in
Website: http://www.cvcbse.edu.in/
Open hours:
Year of Foundation: 2014
Status of the School: Secondary School
Types of Affiliation: Provisional
Category of School: Co-Educational
Medium of Instruction: English
Types of School: Independent
Board: CBSE
Classes: Nursery to 12th
Highest Grade: Sr. Secondary/ Higher Secondary
Facilities Offered:
- Indoor Games
- Dance Rooms
- Music Rooms
- Gymnasium
- Hostel
- Medical Checkup
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