The minister launched the Urban Cabs e-auto service in Trichy
A startup company based in Tamil Nadu called ‘Ur Caps’ has started an electric auto service in Trichy. It is designed to book and travel via mobile app or 8098480980 WhatsApp. Municipal Administration and Water Supply Minister of Tamil Nadu KN Nehru inaugurated the Ur Caps service in Trichy on 23rd June.
The company uses eco-friendly electric vehicles and operates 50 percent of its autos with female drivers. Currently, this company has started operating 30 vehicles in Trichy, but plans to operate 400 electric auto vehicles across Trichy. Although implemented in Coimbatore and Nellai districts, in Trichy, the company is operating under the direct control of its own vehicle. In this company, they are using part-time and full-time auto drivers. Part-time auto drivers are given 45 percent of their gross rent. 12,000 per month for full-time drivers.

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